Well this is day 3 of the art challenge! Today’s challenge is to draw something yellow. Well there are a bunch of objects in the world that are yellow. Flowers, the sun, birds of all sorts. So many things to choose from. Alas, I went with a minion, playing a guitar. This was pretty fun as I have not yet to date ever drawn one of  these things. Hope you like it and tomorrow my challenge will be to draw one of my favorite book characters! So there are a lot to choose from.


Author Ryan

I am an Art Director who develops concepts and evolves brands to the highest standards in both web and print. Over 10 years experience with graphic design in nearly every industry. Highly dedicated to each client whether working with a large corporation or small business owner. Specialties include: art direction, print design, production, branding, identity, strategy, concepting, in-store visual marketing, web and mobile design

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